Personal Development
Life to the full plus whole school progression can be found on this page
At St Joseph's we strive to give children a broad set of opportunities, building their cultural capital and giving them opportunities to develop their understanding of the world around them, make links and are able to articulate their learning and take action. Our Life to the Full Plus PSHCE programme is fully compliant with the DfE guidance on RSE and Health Education. Our Personal Development policy can be found on this page and shows how the different strands are covered in our school.
This year we are looking specifically at 'oracy' on our school development plan. Oracy can be defined as a curriculum that encourages pupils in articulating ideas, developing understanding and engaging with others through speaking, listening and communication. We are in the process of mapping this aspect of our school curriculum. A good document that frames this, which we are considering, is written by the Oracy Education Commission's October 2024 publication Future-of-Oracy-v23-web-13.pdf
The enrichment opportunities are constantly changing, but the document below gives a taste of the range of things that we offer in the school over a year. These are celebrated in our newsletters - including our bumper editions!
Academic Year 23-24 - Enrichment Opportunities by Year Group
The document below shows Enrichment Opportunities for the academic year 24-25 to date