"Let us protect with love all that God has given us"

  1. Contact & Information
  2. Safeguarding


The designated lead for safeguarding at our school is the Headteacher (Jess Tweedie).  She is supported by deputy leads who include the deputy head, the SENDCO and the home school link worker.

If you have an immediate safeguarding concern, please contact the MASH (multi-agency-safeguarding-hub) directly on   0345 050 7666

Our safeguarding policy comes from the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children's Board. 

Our Safeguarding policy, which is updated annually by the Governors, can be found through this link below.  There is also a link to the Government guidance on Keeping Children Safe in Education as well as an information leaflet for families on the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).

Online and E Safety

Please click on this link which will take you to information about online and E-Safety at our school.