"Let us protect with love all that God has given us"

  1. Teaching & Learning
  2. Behaviour & Attitudes to Learning

Behaviour for learning

I ask all people of goodwill to help build a culture of encounter, solidarity and peace.

Pope Francis, November 2014


For our policies on Behaviour and Anti-bullying please click this link

Parent/Carer Code of Conduct

Everybody within the school community deserves to be valued and treated with dignity, love and respect.  Our core understanding is that we  'protect with love all that God has given us' (Pope Francis 2013).

St Joseph's is restorative school and this approach works well with our ethos. 

Here is a short  video explaining Restorative Practice.

 The image below is taken from our relationships and behaviours policy and explains how we use restorative practice in our school.

Using a Growth Mindset and Characteristics of Effective Learning!

We actively encourage our community to understand the characteristics of effective learning and how to use a growth-mindset.  At the start of the year we spend time learning about our brains and how to approach learning.  We have worked, as a staff, to use evidence informed practice to support our understanding of how children learn best. 

We have certificates and awards to celebrate our learning.  Please click this link.

We have a pupil profile of 16 Virtues and Values (see image above) which we encourage in our learners. More information on our pupil profile can by found by clicking this link

Our Pupil Profile awards are given to children who demonstrate these characteristics.

We use our Learning Charter that sets out what inspirational learning in our school looks like. This is displayed in every classroom and referred to when teaching. 

Our Learning Champion Awards are linked to pupils demonstrating the Charter in their learning.