"Let us protect with love all that God has given us"

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Curriculum Overview Documents for Families

Curriculum Documents for Families

Evidence Informed Practice - As we develop our approach to teaching and build our curriculum, we use a variety of high quality resources and evidence to support our changes and good practice.  Click on this link to see the sources we use.

For information on our approach to behaviour for learning - please click here 

Yearly overview documents for each year group

Coming soon

Term by Term Curriculum overview for each year group

Subject progression documents

Foundation Subject Progression Documents

(we are still working on vocabulary progressions in subject areas)

History Progression 

Music Progression 

Computing and Internet Safety Progression 23-24

Physical Education Y3-Y6 (including swimming at key stage 2) 

Physical Education Rec-Y2 Progression 

Art & Design Progression 

Design & Technology Progression  

Latin Progression (Ancient & Modern Language) KS2

Geography Progression Document

Relationships and Sex Education and PSHCE Progression can be found through this link


Non- National Curriculum Subjects taught in school to add  breath to our Curriculum

KS1 Celebrating Languages and Celebrating Cultures

Forest School Progression

Public Speaking Overview

Chess Progression for Y3 and Y4

Philosophy for Children Progression Y5 and Y6


We are in the process of aligning the following:

 Recording our vocabulary progression is in process in all subject areas